What is Atlantis?

Atlantis was a land mass located between Europe, America and various islands on the Pacific Ocean. These included the Hawaiian Island, Easter Island, Tahiti, FIji the Soloman Islands and the Greek Islands. It is thought parts of Australia  and New Zealand also homed the Atlantean  and  Lemurian people.

During its hundreds years of existence, the land changed in shape and size until eventually it was submerged into the oceans. Atlantis was set up as an experiment by the Sirian High Council to see how and what the third dimensional world offered. After many attempts to create a 'heaven on earth' or 'Nirvana state of existence,' it was decided by the elite councils to withdraw.

At this time on earth, we are now  attempting to recreate that state of being once again. With the help of many other dimensional energies (to include the Sirian and Pleiadian Councils ,Angelic and Master energies), Gaia's inhabitant's are evolving once more into lighter bodies. By 2032 the earth's consciousness will have evolved from the third dimension up to an eighth/ninth one. 

The changes and shifts in energies that we are currently all experiencing (either individually or collectively) greatly excel the soul's journey to help master our own destiny.

It's a great time to be alive!    

Edgar Cayce, Tibetan texts inscriptions of the American continents and other sources world wide,

refer to Atlantis existence  as the 'Ra-Mu' 'Muir' or 'Mother Land.'  

Who were the Lemurians?

The Lemurians were 'neighbours' to the Atlantans. Their homeland Lamuria  is regarded today as the 'lost land.'  Lemurians are widely regarded as the 'human ancestors,' with some calling the people there the 'root-races of humanity.' Egypt owes it existence to the Lemurian people.


What does Atlantean Re-Connections level One Offer?

This course is unique in that a great deal of it was channelled directly from the Higher Energies. It offers light body activations as the higher chakras are opened and then intergraded into the lower seven chakras, replacing them with lighter vibrations.

You will be given insights into; 

Detailed information on how the Atlantean and Lemurian people operated

Spiritual Laws to abide by for quicker soul ascension

Information in how to live and what to expect living in the Aquarian Age 

Sound vibration

The five senses known as the five Claires 

Explanations for number sequences with a chart for reference

Teaches the 'Grace Symbol' for release and resetting of karma

Clearing and opening of the fourth dimensional chakras (8th to the 15)

and more...  


What does Atlantean Re-Connections Level 2 Offer?

It's important to complete the level one course before progressing to the level 2. This course further expands to the 22nd chakra, into the 'I Am' presences. It then intergrades them into the lower eight that were opened from level one. In turn this then creates a 'Nirvana' state of living for the individual while on the earth.


You will be given insights into;


Light grids


Crystal Skulls

Twin Flame connections

Crystal Power

The Atlantean Violet Flame

Light workers

Star Children

Clearing and opening of the fifth dimensional chakras (16th to 22nd)


Please note: Before beginning the Atlantean Level one course, it is recommended to have done some energy work on the lower 7th chakras already. This can be done by having regular healing sessions such as Reiki, Rannihi or Prama chakra healing or attunements.