Past Life Regression

What Is Past Life Regression?

Past Life Regression allows a person to travel back into their memories and experiences of past incarnations, through a gently guided hypnotheraphic meditation. These memories and experiences are stored inside the sub-conscious mind, hidden from the conscious, reactive one. 

We often carry patterns of behaviour from previous lives into this one.  Past Life Regression can help to reset or rewire these patterns, producing a  more positive outcome to our current situation. It can also be used to satisfy unanswered questions and shed new light where none was present before. 


Can Anyone Have Past Life Regression?

Yes indeed, children included (some children don't even need regressed to do this as their minds are less busy than that of an adult).  If children are experiencing night terrors, Past Life Regression can prove useful for this too.

No previous experience is necessary however, a healthy open-minded attitude does help, along with a desire to explore the unknown. A decent ability to visualise via guided meditation is also helpful. 


How Many Sessions of Past Life Regression is required?

Most people can access some level of past lives on the first go. However, it does depend on personal factors. Some clients have a strong sense of visualisation while others need to build this up. This differs greatly from person to person.  If the first attempt doesn't prove successful, the individual is encouraged to keep trying until the sub-conscious mind releases what is stored within. 


How Can A Past Life Regression session help?

Past lIfe Regression can help with a number of things to include;

  • Aiding better understanding of why we have a connection to places, people or situations
  • Explore past life romantic/family/children relationships in this life, related to a past one
  • Identify past life physical ailments that may have carried over into the current incarnation
  • Understand past life lessons to better achieve current life ones
  • Confirm past life emotions that are affecting this life too
  • Cut ties to outdated beliefs and patterns that we've carried into our current incarnation
  • Help identify others we know in this life and how they connected to us in past lives
  • Give us access to our reoccurring dream states for deeper understanding
  • Develop our inner (and outer) understanding of who we are and who we were, for greater appreciation of ourselves


Will I remember my Past lives Afterwards?

Clients usually remember most (or all) of  the past lives they'd accessed as they are fully conscious of where they are in the room and any noise going on around them (such as the celestial music playing or birds chirping). You'll be regressed into a 'deeply guided meditation' and given guidance into three or more lives where you'll then be asked questions relevant to the life you've visited.   

This is a safe and protected session where the client can feel relaxed and comfortable. Each session is recorded and later given to the client for their own reference.


What do I need to do to prepare?

There is nothing more required from you than to ensure you will not be disturbed during the 2 hour session. It's also advisable to wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes for added relaxation and to come alone (or be dropped off and then collected later). 


Can I choose which Lives I visit?

Your sub-conscious mind is in charge of that and will access what it feels is most beneficial for you to enter into at that time. It will only provide to your conscious mind what information you are ready to receive. 


How Often should I have a session?

As many as you'd like! We've had many, many life times on this earth (and other places too) so access and information is almost limitless. It is also possible to revisit a past life previously accessed in other sessions yet still gain new information from it. 


How do I book a session for regression?

Simply go to the 'Contact information' page of this website and ring, email (or text) to check availability. Do remember each Past Life Regression session is  2 hours long. This 2 hours also includes time at the end for grounding, discussion and to answer any questions arising as a result of the session.