What is the Chakra System?

We all have an aura. This aura carries our astral or energy bodies. Inside these bodies we hold all information from past, present and future. These bodies contain chakra points. The chakras are metaphysical vortexes of energy. They originate from an ancient Indian system of healing. They symbolise the connection between the spiritual and the physical and coincide with the body's endocrine system. 

What do the Chakras do?

When the chakra's are in balance they help the physical body to function perfectly. When they are unbalanced or 'blocked' a whole rage of mental, emotional and physiological conditions manifest. We have many chakras inside the aura but tend to focus on the seven major chakra points when on the earth. In order to maintain a healthy balanced life, we must attend not just to certain physical dysfunctions but to our emotional, mental and spiritual needs for an overall positive result. 


Each of the seven chakras have a name, colour and hold positions on the body. They are connected to a Gland or Nerve and represent an area of our lives. 

There are also chakras on the palms of our hands, soles of our feet and one at the base of the skull. The seven chakras are also connected to chakras on the aura.

They are transformers that step down subtle energies from each of the energy bodies and then translate them into hormonal, nerve and cellular activity in the physical body. 

Everything is interconnected. 


When a physical ailment appears, it is a result of the chakras not being balanced. The root cause of a physical ailment can be traced back to the energy system. By becoming attunned or having regular energy healing treatments, it makes the other bodies lighter, helps balance the emotions, intellect and spiritual parts of us and unblocks negative issues for overall positive well being.